Class Offerings
Be Sure to find the yoga offering that is right for your child! Bala Bee Yoga is more mobile than studio based. If you have questions on how we can meet your yoga needs I'm happy to answer them, just be in touch.
Bala Bee's Hives
Bumble Bees: 1-2 years (parent & child)
Honey Bees: 3-4 years
Bala Bees: 4-8 years
Worker Bees: 9-12 years
Solider Bees: 13-17 years
Family Bee Hive: 1 parent & child (all ages)
Drone & Queen Bees: Adult Classes

Studio Classes ~
are held at Quiet Strength Yoga, 83 Main Street 2nd floor, Ellsworth, ME for the Bala Bees age group includes 4-8
year olds
With each class session we work to strengthen and stretch the body through playful poses, mindful awareness and yoga games, closing with a mind body connection and breathing techniques that are meant to calm and center the young child. Each class is tailored with an age appropriate focus.
Bala Bees: Thursday 4:15-5:15 pm
October 5th!!
$55/monthly sign up
$15/drop in rate
Venmo or Cash
*Pre-Registration recommended for all class options!


~Summer ~ returns 2024
Yoga in the Park is our Family Bee Hive Class,
held at Knowlton Park in Ellsworth.
Miss Genevieve will lead a Hatha based class for both parent and child with a focus on partner poses and games to bring focus and calm whilst maintaining summer fun.
We will work with our breath, feature poses and mindful relaxation.
Weather permitting, cancellations will be announced on our Facebook page. Please check 2 hours prior to
class starts to confirm class time.
Last Monday of Summer Months:
6/26, & *7/24 @ 4:30-5:30pm
Pre-registration required for all class options.
Class will NOT run without!!
Venmo or Cash

Looking for more individualized instruction?
Have a group that wants to do yoga together, let's talk!
Have Special Concerns?
New to Yoga?
Happy to help!
Each private or semi -private session will be tailored to social emotional needs, developmental needs, or thematic playful needs. Or, all of the above!! Suitable for all ages and age combinations.
Contact for a consultation
Private = One - on - One, $80/hour
Semi Private = 1 - 5 Bees, $65/hour
Venmo or Cash

Tweens Yoga Series ~
for the Worker Bees, 9-12 years of age
To Include:
Mindful Journaling to Center, Peanut Butter & Jelly vs. Oil & Water; understanding poses that go together & don't with a complete cycle of Sun Salutations for a full body warm up, 3-5 Minute Meditations with Positive Affirmations, Yoga Team Time with Music, Asana Flow Workshop, Challenge Pose of the Day, Pranayama Breath Work & Guided Relaxation
location & time TBA
*sign up for the 4 week series
as each series builds on skill*
Ellsworth, ME
Pre-Registration Required
Venmo or Cash

Adult Offerings~ Beginners Yoga~ Mindful Movement for Flexibility & Strength
3rd Wednesday of the Month @ 5:30 -6:15 pm
Begins October 18, 2023
Pre-register by calling the Ellsworth Library 667-6363
Donation Based with a minimum $5 donation
Online Offerings~ Kids Yoga & Mindful Games
As Requested!
Please Inquire & Register for any of the above with

Summer ~ Completed Returns 2024!!
Bala Bee Yoga goes mobile during the summer serving the greater MDI & Ellsworth communities, expanding class opportunities. Please be sure to peruse the list and inquire about date sessions & if a location is closer to home for you. Some offerings require special enrollment.
Northeast Harbor Public Library Story Yoga
7/17/23 @ 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Free ~Open to Public
Family Yoga In the Park (see above offering details)
6/26, & 7/24/23 @ 4:30-5:30pm
Ellsworth Public Library Story Yoga
7/11/, 7/25/, 8/8/23, @ 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Free ~ call 667 6363 to reserve your spot
Camp Beech Cliff, Starburst Groups
6/28, 7/13, 7/26 & 8/9
Pre -Enrollment Required 10 & 11 am
Thursday: N/A
Friday: N/A
Pricing's & Dates Vary Please Inquire
Drop In's Not Offered At This Time
Pre-Registration Required for All Offerings
Venmo or Cash